Monday, January 16, 2012

SWTOR Class Guide

SWTOR is a game like World of Warcraft. Full name is Star Wars The Old Republic – gamers control a playable character and the idea is to get to level 50.
However just like in World of Warcraft this can take a long time!
There is a subscription fee to play the game and if you don't know what you are doing you may
never reach level cap.
So the long and short of it is that people will purchase SWTOR Savior to reach the level cap on the game which is currently at 50.
As well as leveling in the game you will need to know how to use your class – for instance gamers can pick classes such as Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior etc...
Then you have all of the advanced classes that will allow you to specialise in different aspects of gameplay. For instance if you choose to play as a Sith Inquisitor you will have to fight long range like a Magician.
However if you want to be more like a warrior then a Sith Warrior will be more down your street and you can run in and fight close range.

To Discover How To Level Fast With All Classes In SWTOR And Get The Best Guide Click The
Link Below:

Go get it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

SWTOR Rocks! But a Leveling Guide lets you Kick Em in the tail!

Playing Massively MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Games [MMORPG] can be a blast!  Literally!  You get to blast your way into the next bad Bosse's stronghold, loot his horde, steal his harem, and reap the rewards!  It takes a team!  It takes recon, to know where the back door is, and who is your mole inside!

Leveling up in such a wide open world can take years, if you are hunting around with no ideas.

Taking along a guide book makes good sense, and Savior's is the BEST!

I'll be back tomorrow with more!

Don't wait for me, go here and get your guide NOW!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

So, you want to play SWTOR? You'd better take along a guide!

When Star Wars The Old Republic was first announced, it was greeted with much enthusiasm, which grew exponentially as gameplay videos, stunning landscape images, and resources on SWTOR history and planet systems were released. The game takes place several millenia before Darth Vader's violent rise to power, at a time when tensions between the Empire and the Republic are at their highest. Years before, the peaceful Republic emerged as the victor when faced with a surprise attack by the Empire, but the following years brought war and several painful defeats to the Republic. After many setbacks, including treachery and failed negotiations, the Republic was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant, which ended the war but handed over several territories to the Empire.

It is in the midst of such a chaotic time that players enter the game, and are immediately faced with one of the many decisions that will affect their future gameplay - whether they should align themselves with the forces of the Empire or the Republic. Next, players must make the important decision of choosing a class within the side they choose to align with. The Republic offers the classes of Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Consular, while the Empire has a Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, and Sith Inquisitor. Each class can have different functions and benefits and should be further researched before a decision is made.

Your GUIDE is here!